Smooth Solutions Medical Aesthetics offers Prolite photofacial treatments (also known as “IPL” or “Intense Pulse Light”) to address skin rejuvenation, age spots, active acne, and dark pigment.
Prolite offers a non-invasive, safe, and effective solution to skin aging by restoring a youthful appearance known as “photo rejuvenation.”
Photo rejuvenation addresses skin damage without disrupting the skin’s surface and simultaneously treats a wide range of facial problems to improve the texture and complexion of the skin.
- Color and Tone: Prolite IPL targets hemoglobin and melanin to remove brown and red spots. The light harmlessly travels through your skin and selectively targets redness and pigment that will gradually be shed by your body. Small spider veins and flat “age” spots also respond very well.The IPL procedure provides the best results when followed up with microdem abrasion after about one week.
- Sun Damage: There is no downtime when you reverse sun damage with IPL. Brown spots, broken capillaries, large pores and rosacea on the face, chest, shoulders, and hands can all be addressed with IPL.
IPL works by emitting wavelengths of light that are absorbed by brown spots, veins, and red spots. These lesions are gently heated and destroyed.
The procedure typically takes about 20 to 30 minutes to treat the entire face. Complications are rare, with skin lightening or darkening occurring in less than 1% of cases.
It is advisable to wear sunblock when in the sun during the month following the IPL treatment
Who is a Candidate for a Photofacial?
Most healthy adults can safely receive photofacial treatment. Those who benefit the most have signs of sun damage on their skin, which include sunspots, age spots, redness, or red blood vessels.
The process also helps with age-related skin appearances such as large pores, fine lines, and acne scars or discoloration. Most importantly, photofacials work best on lighter skin tones. Some patients with darker skin tones may not benefit as much from the procedure.
The doctor also might recommend alternative treatments and options for patients with specific conditions that complicate the Photofacial process. These mostly include skin infections, medical conditions that complicate any laser facial treatment, and skin conditions that need to be resolved before considering photofacial.
Your initial consultation will cover all of this to ensure the process is right for you.
What Are the Risks?
Because IPL Photofacials destroy targeted areas of skin tissue, there are potential side effects. These side effects are very common after photofacial procedures, and will clear up on their own within a few days. These can include:
- Blisters
- Blemishes
- Brown spots
- Bruising
- Swelling
- Redness
Most patients with side effects typically experience no complications during their recovery process, and they ultimately get the results they want from the procedure.
What Can You Expect After the Procedure?
IPL photofacials are minimally invasive, so you aren't looking at significant recovery issues or downtime after the procedure. Most people can continue their normal activities after the treatment. Sometimes, Dr. Bertolino may ask you to avoid specific activities for a few hours or days.
Generally speaking, your face will do most of its healing in the first couple of days. You should see any side effects fade quickly over those days. Some issues, like bruising, will fade slowly, but they still heal.
Keep in mind that photofacials are progressive procedures. You won’t see the maximum effect right away. Instead, that takes a few weeks, and it may even span multiple treatments. In the end, you can look forward to clearer skin with a more even tone.
Schedule Your Photofacial Today
To learn more about photofacials or to schedule a consultation with us, click here or call 716-633-6100. As a board-certified family physician with expertise in cosmetic medicine, Dr. Jack Bertolino leads a team of highly-trained professionals who are ready to help you look and feel your best. Call us today!