Vaginal Rejuvenation

5 Benefits of Vaginal Rejuvenation That Every Woman Should Consider


As women’s health and wellness become frequent topics of conversation, more and more women are going to their doctors to increase their awareness about their bodies and seek treatment if necessary. One procedure that’s becoming popular for older women, mothers, and those going through menopause, is vaginal rejuvenation. Quality of life can improve with the […]

5 Benefits of Vaginal Rejuvenation That Every Woman Should Consider Read More »

How does ThermiVa work?

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Women experience many changes to their bodies over the years due to the natural process of aging. But certain life experiences, such as pregnancy and childbirth, can cause more noticeable changes in specific areas such as the vagina. It is common with time to experience discomfort and loosening in the vaginal area, and while it

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How to Get the Most Out of Your Vaginal Rejuvenation Surgery

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Although it may be embarrassing to talk about, vaginal rejuvenation is a fairly common procedure that Dr. Jack Bertolino performs. As we age, our bodies go through a variety of transformations at certain stages—, especially during menopause and childbirth. For many women, these transformations result in a loss of vaginal tightness which can lead to

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Consider A Vaginal Rejuvenation Treatment With ThermiVa

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Your vaginal health is definitely not a water cooler topic but one that is important to you if you want to restore your vaginal and vulval youthfulness following childbirth and the aging process – because these two things can stretch your vaginal genitalia and thin your vaginal tissues causing dryness, painful intercourse, decreased orgasm and

Consider A Vaginal Rejuvenation Treatment With ThermiVa Read More »

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