The aging andropausal male should no longer sit in the shadows awaiting new synthetic drugs form Big Pharma that are ineffective, not covered by insurance and are costly again with no or limited satisfaction. We in the medical profession should be looking to fix the problem, not cover it up and try to only treat symptoms with medications. The aging male (and female) should be treated in a regenerative manner, fixing the sexual problems and rebuilding tissue and blood supply.
Erectile dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction is the bane of existence of every man in his time, some faster than others. Age, medical issues (hypertension, diabetes), and habits (smoking and alcohol/drugs) add to the frustration of achieving youthful sexual wellness. Today, doctors can help in a natural way to fix vascularity and get rid of plaque, opening up the canals thereby improving male sexual satisfaction. This is a God-given function that does not have to end. What is life, but to fully enjoy one’s existence?
What is libido?
A sexual urge, an emotion, a fantasy or all three? Libido comes from your brain and in the andropausal male, a lack of testosterone causes a falling off of these vital feelings. Therefore, looking at the total and free testosterone and correcting it, putting it into a healthy range makes all the difference. What about the mechanical problems associated with ED? What happens to the vascular supply? Every man and woman loses vascularity over time. Can it be given back? Yes, by stimulating the body to rebuild it.
For men now we have two modalities:
- Platelet Growth Factors (the P OR Priapus Shot)
Platelet growth factors from the patient’s blood stimulate growth factors that build vascular blood supply. Sounds gory, but done right it is quick and effective. - Acoustic Wave Therapy or Shock Wave Therapy
AWT are wave forms that are faster than sound which causes microtrauma in the penile shaft so that the body rebuilds the blood supply in what’s called COLLATERAL CIRCULATION. The body rebuilding itself. All procedures have no downtime and have been shown to work.What is the difference between VIAGRA/CIALIS versus these therapies? Medications cause dilation of EXISTING blood supplies – we build NEW blood supplies that are natural to the patient. Life is to be enjoyed to the fullest, it’s not your granddad’s time anymore. Get back what you think you lost and thought you could not find again. Think regenerative medicine, think AWT and The P-Shot, and of course think Smooth Solutions Medical Aesthetics in beautiful Williamsville NY. Call 716-633-6100 today to learn more.