Many men and women dream of avoiding the daytime regimen of removing unwanted hair. Whether you are waxing, plucking, or shaving, hair removal can take time and money. Instead, Dr. Jack Bertolino of Smooth Solutions Medical Aesthetics encourages patients to speak to him about the benefits of a more permanent option known as laser hair removal.
Understanding laser hair removal treatments
Laser hair removal is a specialized solution for unwanted hair. Using laser light emitted from an FDA-cleared device, the doctor can target hair follicles on the face and body and damage them. This eliminates the follicle from reproducing hair—permanently! The laser light provides results, while leaving the surrounding skin and tissues intact.
Patients need to know that laser hair removal does not happen during a single appointment. Instead, patients will need to scheduled several treatment sessions over time, typically one every few weeks. With each treatment, the thickness of the hair will be reduced and patients can achieve full hair removal. Alternatively, if patients are interested in thinning hair on a specific area of the body, such as the arms or chest, fewer treatments may be performed to get the desired results.
Who is a candidate for laser hair removal?
Patients of all genders, skin types, and hair types can undergo laser hair removal. This is because the treatment is remarkably safe and effective when administered by a trained and experienced professional. Dr. Jack Bertolino and his team at Smooth Solutions Medical Aesthetics find that with a proper evaluation and consultation appointment, patients can find out if they are a good fit for treatment and discuss what to expect with these services. Our team can educate patients on the process and guide them through their treatment sessions to see the results they deserve. The cost of treatment can also be discussed during this initial examination.
Ready to ditch the razor?
Contact Dr. Jack Bertolino of Smooth Solutions Medical Aesthetics today to discuss the benefits of laser hair removal treatments in his Williamsville, NY area practice. His office is located at 5839 Main Street, Suite #102. Call (716) 633-6100 to schedule a consultation visit and initial evaluation.