There’s a common misconception that as you age, your body stops producing hormones. However, that simply isn’t the case. Just like with most parts of your body, as you age, your body stops functioning in the same way it did when you were younger— often working at a slower rate. As a man, when your body starts to stop producing as much testosterone, you can experience a decrease in a sex drive, inability to have an erection, fatigue, decrease in muscle mass, hair loss, an increase in body fat, and a decrease in bone mass. To ensure that you don’t experience any of these symptoms, Dr. Jack Bertolino offers male hormone replacement. Read on to learn more.
The Benefits of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy
Unlike hormone therapy treatment like Premarin, which is made up of horse urine, the types of hormone therapy that Dr. Jack Bertolino uses, is completely natural and safe. Formulated from either soy or yams, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) treatments match your body’s hormones identically— leaving you with fewer side-effects and more positive benefits.
How They Are Administered
You’ve likely heard of protein patches and pills that are used to deliver hormones into a person’s body. Although these are effective ways of giving patients hormones, they come with problems such as missed pills or patches falling off. To prevent these issues from happening and to ensure that you are given your proper hormone dosage, we administer BHRT’s by implanting a small pellet under the skin in the buttocks. Once implanted, this pellet is time-released, which means that it will deliver your hormones to you every day.
Having enough testosterone doesn’t just give you the qualities that make you a man, but it also prevents you from developing diseases like Alzheimer’s. If you are a male who is experiencing a decrease in testosterone, schedule an appointment with Dr. Jack Bertolino today to learn more about bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.