40 may be the new 30, but one thing is for certain, no matter how hard you try, you can’t just wish away your wrinkles. And as soon as you near 40, you will start to notice that your skin is a little less elastic and your lines are more pronounced. Luckily, with a variety of different treatments— both surgical and non-surgical— you can help to look more youthful. Read on to learn more about your options.
- Silhouette Lift
If you have been considering getting a facelift but are ambivalent because of the recovery time involved, then you may be interested in learning more about the Silhouette Lift. By using Silhouette Sutures— that have been used in cardiovascular surgeries for years— Dr. Jack Bertolino will be able to tuck excess skin and lift it as well. Requiring no hospitalization, a Silhouette Lift can be done in our office in under an hour’s time.
- Botox
If you are looking for an even less invasive procedure to help tighten your face, consider getting Botox injections. Derived from the botulinum toxin, Botox works to temporarily relax the muscles in your face and soften your wrinkles— leaving you with a smooth forehead and no visible appearance of wrinkles around your eyes.
- Microdermabrasion
While you’re still in your 40’s and your wrinkles aren’t as deep, consider getting microdermabrasion. By using tiny crystals to puncture your skin, Microdermabrasion will encourage the growth of newer, healthier skin— which means fewer wrinkles for you!
Celebrate your 40’s by looking your best. From getting a Silhouette Lift to Microdermabrasion, these three treatments will enhance your overall appearance. To learn more or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Jack Bertolino, contact our office today!