Whether you’re a male or a female, there’s something to be said about having a full head of hair. After all, why would Chip Gaines always brag about his hair on Fixer Upper? However, although some people are blessed to never lose a hair on their head, there are others who start to show signs of hair loss before they ever even get their first gray hair. If you are suffering from thinning hair, Dr. Jack Bertolino at Smooth Solutions Medical Aesthetics has a hair restoration solution for you to consider. Let’s take a closer look.
How Does It Work?
Platelet Rich Plasma or PRP has really taken the skincare world by storm because of the popular vampire facial procedure. However, PRP can also be sued to help restore thinning hair as well. During this process, we will take blood from one part of your body and then extract the plasma from it. Once we have extracted the plasma, we will then place it on your scalp and leave it on for about 24 hours without touching it or watching it. In some instances, we may also use the Omnilux red LED light which is a device that strengthens follicles and promotes hair growth.
How Often Do I Have to Get it Done?
Although results vary from patient to patient, we typically require three PRP treatments and eight red light treatments over the span of three months. During your initial consultation, however, we will be able to better determine how many treatment plans will be needed for you to get the full results.
If your hair is thinning, hair plugs or implants aren’t your only option. To learn more about Platelet Rich Plasma hair restoration, schedule a consultation at our Buffalo office today: (716) 633-6100.